GIFT Grant
Association Teachers Of Mathematics In Maine |
You deserve a GIFT!!!! The ATOMIM Executive Board is pleased to announce the ATOMIM Grant Incentives for Teachers (GIFT) Program benefiting Maine students in mathematics, which are meant to enhance either the classroom or the teacher’s practice. Potential uses for the GIFT may include, but are not limited to:
Purchasing materials for student learning,
Supporting PLCs with common reads
funding a national math expert to virtually visit your class or your colleagues,
3-Act Tasks materials,
DESMOS tools,
Family Math Night,
Expanding math clubs,
Math Instruction for Multilingual Language Learners
Or leveraging other funds such as matching grants.
GIFT proposals may be fully or partially funded up to a maximum of $1000. To apply, use the application form to draft your response. GIFT applications are submitted electronically. Copying and pasting from your draft application is recommended. Please note that only ATOMIM members are eligible for the GIFT (New members ARE eligible, and membership is free). Also the maximum award is $1000 every three years for receiving teachers.
Criteria for selection will include but are not limited to:
1. The need for the GIFT is well established.
2. The GIFT will promote and support mathematics learning and understanding.
3. Efficient use of budget.
4. The dissemination will enhance as many students and/or teachers as possible.
5. The proposal reflects Maine and/or National standards and best mathematical practices.
6. The awardee will present the effect of the award to a broader audience (see rubric).
7. The awardee is a practicing teacher/educator at a school in the state of Maine.
8. The Grant Application is complete and submitted by the deadline: January 3, 2025
GIFT Awardees will be announced on February 7, 2025 via electronic communications and social media.
Need help? Email Lisa Coburn, GIFT Grant Committee Chair